Yoga Strap Buying Guide 2020 – Tick all the boxes

Yoga strap is a special gift for the yogis and yoga loving people. It makes the yoga practice easier and adds balance to our poses. But the process of finding the right yoga strap can be quite challenging. There are so many different brands, models and types of yoga straps in the market with their own pros and cons.  To find a perfect yoga strap, you need to consider some factors. We try to make a list of considered criteria to create a yoga strap buying guide. Just follow our expert guides and tips below and that will help you to make an enlightened decision.

Ultimate Yoga Strap Buying Guide 2019​

One of the best possible ways to find the exact yoga strap can be done by going through various yoga strap reviews on the internet. But it is a complex process and needs too much time. That's why our team make a check list to reduce your stress and time loss.


There are different types of yoga strap available on the market. They are Quick Release, D Ring, cinch buckles etc.

The most conventional types, D rings and cinch buckles are easy to use and metal D-ring gives risk free yoga practicing.

But you have to keep in mind that sometimes cinch buckles and D rings are made of cheap plastic or metal. Don’t buy this. A yoga strap which does not have a closure gives you the freedom to use your strap as you wish.

Size and color:

Size is one of the first considerations to take a yoga strap. The universal size of yoga strap is 6 to 8 feet long and 1.5 inches wide. If you are short or medium in height, then this universal size is OK for you. And if you need a long strap, you will also find a long strap of 10 feet long.

Yoga straps come in different colors. So pick your favorite color while buying yoga strap.

Budget and Warranty:

The yoga strap is not a very costly product. But sometimes people tend to buy cheap yoga strap. As it maintains the balance of your yoga poses as well as your body, so cheap yoga strap may break during the practice and do some serious damage. So keep away from the cheap strap and try to buy yoga strap from the renowned shop or online site.

Some yoga straps brand gives warranty to the customer. You can pick those.


Mostly yoga strap is made with elastic or non-elastic fabrics, mostly nylon or cotton. The yoga strap which is made of cotton is durable, breathable, and fully washable. And the straps which are made of nylon is stretchy, water resistant, and more durable than cotton. Both are better from their perspective; now you have to choose yours.

Final Hearing:

​We hope our buying guide checklist will do the job for you. Please think about all the aspects given here twice before buying your yoga strap. Happy Yogaing.

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