How To Balance Employee Productivity And Network Security While Doing Remote Work

Balance Employee Productivity And Network Security

As the world faced a new kind of virus, it was only a matter of time before world governments had to implement stricter rules to stop the spread of COVID-19. And as a result, companies have to shift to remote work to minimize physical contact while maintaining operations at the same time.
The impact of the pandemic has revealed the greater risks of employees being exposed to Cyber threats while performing their official duties at home. Network breaches and hacking incidents have become so prevalent.  because of the increase in phishing attempts and fraudulent emails being sent to their corporate email addresses. And as a response, organizations have to close security gaps and remedy shortcomings in IT infrastructure, which also caused their staff to be less productive than usual.
So, how to balance employee productivity and network security while doing remote work? Get to know the answers as you continue reading this article.

Simplify Cyber Security Protocols

If your staff views your data security as a potential obstacle, they’ll try to look for ways to get around it. So see to it that protocols you’ll be implementing should not affect their user experience and make it easy for them to access data without being complacent with your company’s security measures at the same time.
Making your security protocols easy for employees will lead to productive results in their work.

Check Your Company’s Safety Net

Data backup is a crucial component of IT security solutions. Hence, you also have to make sure that backup is reliable so your employees can continue performing their duties in times of system failure or ransomware attacks.

We recommend you use March 31 (World Backup Day) to perform routine data backup.

Train Employees

Your employees play a role in the success of your company’s cybersecurity strategy. So make sure to spend time training them about the best cybersecurity practices based on their roles and level of access. Surely enough, this will lead to productive results.
Moreover, training your employees to allow you to inform them of the things they need to do such as using strong passwords, VPNs, installing security software, turning their time-tracking software, and what they have to avoid while gaining access to your company’s system using their own devices like clicking on suspicious links from unscrupulous emails, accessing unsecured websites, and the likes.
Most of the time, employees fail to recognize online scams like fake alerts, spoofing attacks, phishing scams through
stream game before it’s too late, especially when these fraud messages impersonate government, financial, and health institutions. But if they are educated about these cyber threats, your remote employees can prevent being willing victims of these prevailing cybersecurity traps.

Three Key Components of a Strong Remote Work Security Defense

Strong Remote Work Security Defense

The data security professionals at LookingPoint understand the importance of balancing employee productivity and network security. They are experts in dealing with that kind of challenge and have assisted many business organizations of different sizes in implementing strong data security processes and productivity solutions that help companies to thrive during the ongoing health crisis. When you are in charge of a team in the office you need a strong cyber defense for its network security. I will give you three ideas about a cyber-defense that will ensure IT security for you and your team. The following ideas will work for you:

1. Employee IT Security Awareness Education, Training, & Testing

Your subordinates must have ideas and training in IT. So that they can take the right steps in times of danger and follow the steps described below in this regard:
Education: Your team must be taught about IT to deal with IT threats. In this case, you have to lead the team and work as a team. As a result, your employees will have the opportunity to practice and become more aware of cyber in real life.
IT Security Training & Risk Management: The best arrangements need to be made for training which will further strengthen IT security. There is no substitute for reducing IT risk. Good training will protect your organization's cyber security from phishing-type hacking. So do IT training and development to make your organization risk-free.
Testing & Proactive Education: Your employees should always be put to the test. Those who have a good rate in the test will have to be assigned to important jobs. The test will result in accountability which is effective in resolving small mistakes. Your employees should always be put to the test. Those who have a good rate in the test will have to be assigned to important jobs. The test will result in accountability which is effective in resolving small mistakes.

2. Clear Company IT Security Policies, Procedures, & Protocols

Need to develop a policy for your organization's cyber security that will strengthen your security. Having a policy will make your activities easier and it is effective to take quick action to deal with any situation. Having policies will control your daily expectations and activities. An effective protocol will make you more acceptable and remote access security will play an effective role in protecting against malware.

3. Software, Apps, and Tools

In addition to education and training, your employees need to be provided with advanced tools, software, and apps. Lack of good equipment and software limits the activities of the employees. As a result, they get into trouble during cyber attacks.
Your cyber security will be stronger when you perform employee IT education, training, management properly. Your employees will be more productive and will be able to cope with increasing stress. Production capability will be achieved and IT capability will increase the acceptance of your organization.

Final Word

So, now  you have learned how to do Balance Employee Productivity. With that, you know more about Network Security and how to protect against cyber attacks. I talked about the security protocol and the IT education, training, and management of the employees of the organization. Working remotely with employees requires the help of technology to create an uninterrupted network. Which makes the employee more productive and the company more profitable. Its biggest threat is cyber-attacks which are carried out with various phishing and malware. I hope that after reading my article you will know more about balance employee productivity and network security and IT Security.

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